Your Eyes Can Say It All

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Yes! We Are Back!

After almost 2 years of being off the air waves, we are back. Even I couldn’t anticipate our break would of been that long. What began as a short break to focus on the ever changing world we were in at the time… has some how become the new normal. Not anticipating any changes in Continue Reading...

New Episodes Postponed

It’s with much thought and concern that I’m posting this today. In-lieu of world events, at this time I’ve decided to postpone all scheduled podcast recordings. Yes, what we do is done remotely over the internet, but it’s in times like these I know you all have much greater concerns on your mind. I myself Continue Reading...

Protein Packed Power Balls

Looking for a protein packed sweet treat that requires no baking that everyone will love? Well here you are! If you have 15 minutes and a few ingredients, you can whip up a batch of these for family or friends, and its guaranteed to be a smash hit. They are so good, you might have Continue Reading...

Keto – Egg Roll In A Bowl

Making a Chinese inspired dinner at home as never been easier, and no Wok is required. If you have a few simple ingredients, a large cook pan, and 15 minutes to spare you can cook a healthy Chinese inspired meal your entire family will love. Not convinced yet? Well, this recipe begs to be altered. Continue Reading...

Decision Fatigue

What is decision fatigue really? In short, its the idea or notion that our brains have a limited daily capacity for making decisions. Once our capacity for making decisions has been reached or exceeded for the daily the likelihood that we will make a poor decision is extremely high. Okay… So now that we know Continue Reading...

Meditation and Weight Loss

Have you ever heard of or considered meditation? At the advice of my therapist, I looked into it a few years ago to assist me in remaining calm and focused throughout the day. No, I don’t have anger issues. Mental clarity plays a huge role in how our day plays out. Most of our days Continue Reading...

Bariatric Baking: Hermit Cookies

As a bariatric surgery patient, the holidays can be a challenge. Staying on track with eating low carb can be a struggle, especially at potlucks and holiday parties. I’m about 17 months out from my surgery, but am celebrating a full year at my goal range and maintaining my weight. It’s easy to see how Continue Reading...

To See Change – Change Who You are.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.If you want to see change you have to change.And I don’t mean you have to think differently, or look at it differently… I mean at your core you have to become a different person.If you don’t like the path Continue Reading...